Different sitatutions and environments require us to adjust time after time because we meet people of different frequencies. Everyday we get to deal with people of all sorts; some people are all sunshine and smiles, while some seem to have had spilled their coffee and inevitably had to miss their dose in the morning. In anyway, we still have to deal with them.

Over the week, I have been contemplating about an unwed couple whom I deal with almost on a daily basis. The guy used to be an acquaintance and the girl, I just recently met, and now we co-exist as if we do not exist. Let me reserve my personal take on this for the last part of this blog.


Everything used to be fine until one day I got a message that struck me. While, having dinner out with my friends, the girl messaged me saying if there was anything else she needed to know about what her partner was chatting me. This got me puzzled and I tried to recall as far as I can, if there were any message that seemed offensive to her part. Still completely puzzled about the context of the situation, I proposed that we should talk in person so as to clarify whatever cloud of doubt there was. However, I found myself frustrated with the situation as I was dismissed with a snub.

The refusal on her end left me confused about her intent: whether she actually wanted to clarify things. My initial reaction was resentment from the shock, but what was more shocking was the amount of grace there was in that moment. 

Somehow, things turned about 90 degrees when I tried seeing things from a different perspective and gave her the piece of understanding for her situation. I reserved the negative vibes over the probable reasons why she could be acting in such a manner despite my proposal to make a peaceful reconcile.

The next day, the guy beeped me regarding his girlfriend's chats, and so I took the opportunity to solicit the facts of the situation so I could respond accordingly, however, to no avail, he, likewise dismissed me.

To cut the story short, I was brought to be caught in a situation in which I did not know exactly what was going on. It was hard to be standing in an open space with strangers around--that was how it actually felt.


The certain event has caused me inconvenience but I chose to pray and step back. If I was the factor that could change the situation, I chose to give way; for them to have it their way.

To some it would seem like I was at the losing end but in reality, I could just not help but weight how much more difficult it was if I forced things:

1.) What if there was really hate in the situation, there was no way to convince them to like me. Hate narrows our vision; forcing them to like me would be the best way to pester them some more. That no matter how much effort we put into making them see another side would neither be visible.

2.) The situation allowed me to get to know myself a little better and make me who I am.

3.) It also allowed to me to know them.

4.) Making God in charge of situations make it easier and less of a burden to us.

5.) The challenge seems to be more bearable.

This morning while having my devotion, I realized how the situation had affected me in a way. It wasn't until this morning that I had settled in my heart why I had to react in such a way when I could have confronted right away. I was unconsciously praying that things would get better because there was an existing resistance. I just wished things turned out differently and that there could have been a peaceful conversation for understanding. I realized I was still frustrated despite thinking I was fine.

This morning, the message was loud and clear: That the Lord loved us enough and His love just overflows in an empty cup. (TBH, I'm teary-eyed while writing this ATM). During my devotion this morning I was brought to the words in John 13:35 when Jesus said, "By this everyone will know that you are my disciple, if you love one another." 

It was a hard pill to swallow that it could mean loving people who we think cannot love us. But for us who are striving to bring the message of good news to the world, we are commissioned to love others though it may break out pride's limits. God's grace is a resting energy that awaits to be used and we are all powered by it.

Though circumstances require us to make huge adjustments to the point of squeezing our personalities and makes us small in the eyes of other people, it gives way for the Lord to work in our lives. Today, if you ever catch yourself saying "loving other people hurts," let us remind ourselves of God's words about us being His disciples. <3

Have a great and blessed day.

Born to love. Single and Saved.
Sha <3

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WWJD: The Call To a Radical Faith for Perseverance