Life is a long and winding journey, and along the journey we meet different people and circumstances at a time. As we move forward, they remain in us as experiences and memories that make up who are today.

Photo credits to: Tasha Marie
We cannot deny that we have a full-mix of our experiences we both have good and bad ones. In a week, we sometimes lock our rooms and leave and later on realize we left our keys inside, bad day! Or sometimes, walk our way to the supermarket and in the counter, frisk our pockets and realize we left our money or even our wallets! We can go on with all the stupid things that happen to us in a week. To err is human, we do make mistakes and fail most of the time and even sometimes our errors give us painful, frustrating or even depressing experiences—they are the ones that often overwhelm us and weakens us whenever we fall and makes us think WE ARE NO GOOD AT ALL.
“For I know the plans that I have for you,” says the Lord in JER. 29: 11. Do you remember how you failed back then? Look at you now! You should congratulate yourself because not all people can handle their problems and turmoil beyond their last push. Life has realities that people seldom fail to realize. 

                Our life is a battle and there’s no way out but to fight through it.

                Even islands are made to be inhabited by people, even islands are not islands alone, so how could humans be any more than that? In life we will need people to be with us to help us and remind us that we were brought into this world to be awesome creatures who are only the simplest but complex, who are able to do wonders and most of all the perfect people to spread life and love to. Nothing is more fulfilling than being able to love others and share to them whatever we can. But most of all the best person to be with is God—Give it a try now!

                The irony at its best! Sometimes we think that the problems we undergo are different and that people will not understand us unless they are in your shoes. We often fail to realize that shoes are made with similar purposes. We may not have the same style but we know much how it looks. Sometimes we blind ourselves in the vision of these hardships. Welcome the problem and get through it like everyone does.
                Your mind can only be as strong as you allow it to be. The way we feel about things are often driven by our own thoughts converted by the brain into feelings. Sometimes we forget that the brain is very powerful and the way we feel is controlled by hormones and a lot of bran activity. Start your day by saying to yourself that “all is well” or any confirmations that will make you feel positive about yourself.  And the bible has most of the best confirmations for you, so you might want to read it and tell it to yourself. <3

                Prayer is beyond words our mouths can speak, it is more of the aspirations of heart that we meditate on daily. We could meditate on what we want for our lives daily and work for it in believing that you can achieve it.

Sometimes, God allows certain circumstances to happen for us to become better, for us to grow, He had planned it all for us and for our good. 

We may fall down several times, and fall even harder than ever but this time, whenever you do, try to feel the ground, your wounds and bruises, put yourself together, run the race with the right experiences and the right people and you will finish strong.

photo credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/toshofosho/7157574817

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WWJD: The Call To a Radical Faith for Perseverance