30 BETTER DAYS DAY 11: INNER VOWS & RENOUNCEMENT Are there parts of your life you have not yet surrendered to the Lord? INNER VOWS Inner vows are personal declarations we make for ourselves as a result of feeling hurt or oppressed. They are rooted from a bitter cause are technically designed to protect our feelings from repeating pain. For example, when we say, "I'm never going to allow that to happen to me," "I will never be that kind of person" "I will never allow anyone to hurt me ever again." "I wont be that kind of a parent" "i will be better than that." you will be able to notice it because it is an aftermath of anger, resentment, rebellion, distress instead of inspiration and we often confuse it to be declarations of prosperity. Friends, there is a difference. It's easy to distinguish an inner vow. You have to see where this vow is coming from: is it from a resentful circumstance or from a spiritual insp...