Asking for Cool Off
I've only been in a real relationship for quite some time and dealing with another person at close proximity (at least) socially, has always been a challenge to me plainly because I easily lose patience and I'm not well acquainted with negativity. Today, I count our 5th month into the relationship with my boyfriend. I am in and I have been more than surprised by everything thats been happening in a short span of time. It seems that there was no honeymoon stage for us as we went straight to the "real deal", especially with our long distance set up. These days, we got to know things about each other more. We recently had a lingering problem.. OUR COMMUNICATION. From the beginning ,my boyfriend and I were both aware that our LDR set up was up to a great challenge because of the distance; he is in Manila and I, in Butuan. This was quite a petty issue since we eventually found a solution for it. We p...